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Wavy Lines

FAQs & Information

Appointment Cancellation

In the event that you need to cancel your scheduled appointment with us, we ask that you please cancel at least 24 hours in advance as a courtesy to the staff members. This allows us to possibly accommodate the needs of other clients. We apply a charge for last-minute cancellations and for no-shows.

Gift certificates are a wonderful way to give the gift of health, energy, and beauty to the special people in your life. They are ideal for any occasion and can be purchased at the front desk, by phone, or by mail order.

Our Rules

  • Please turn off cell phones.

  • Returns must be returned within 30 days of purchase and must be returned for store credit.

  • Children are only permitted in waiting area with adult supervision.

Skin Classic FAQs
Royale European Skin Care Logo
  • Is it safe to treat these irregularities?
    It is important to understand that we do not diagnose these irregularities. We strongly advise you to have your doctor examine any spot that is questionable and confirm what type of irregularity it is. We will not treat any lesion if we feel it is not safe to do so.
  • What will my skin look like post treatment?
    The area treated may appear erythemic (red) with some inflammation. The redness should reduce within a few hours. The lighter the skin tone, the longer it may take for the redness to subside. There may be some scabbing depending on the irregularity and the area of the body being treated.
  • Is there downtime?
    Yes and No. After the treatment, the irregularity will produce an epidermal crust that looks like a scab over the area. This will fall off on its own within 3-7 days. Do not pick!
  • Can I wear makeup?
    During the healing process, you can wear makeup but be careful to not prematurely remove the crust/scab while cleansing the skin. After the crust/scab sloughs off, the skin may look pinkish or brownish for up to 6-8 weeks as the new skin goes through the complete healing cycle.
  • What happens if the treated skin irregularity is still present 30 days later?
    Some areas may need more than one treatment.
  • Why can't you treat my broken capillaries on my legs?
    Lower extremities are not recommended for treatment using the Skin Classic. Saline injections and laser therapy are the recommended treatment for these areas.
  • Is it safe to treat pigmented lesions?
    We strongly encourage you to have your doctor examine any spot that is questionable or suspicious. We will not treat any lesion that we feel is not safe to do so.
  • What do I do if it's taking longer than expected to heal?
    Be patient and continue to use the recommended after care. Don't pick or touch the treated area and allow the scab to fall off naturally. It's nature's Bandaid!

After a Skin Classic Treatment expect the following:

Some Irritation as well as redness and some crusting may form on areas treated. 


If the area is still irritated by the end of the day a clean baggie of frozen peas works well 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. Moisturize after with the recommended product. 


Make sure you DO NOT pick, rub, or scrub at the crusting. Prematurely removing the crust may cause hyperpigmentation or scarring. 


Keep your skin clean and moisturized during the day. 


Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. 


Makeup may be worn over moisturizing sunscreen. 


MUST use moisturizing sunblock everyday whether it is rainy or snowy. 


AVOID direct sunlight immediately following treatment. 


DO NOT use scrubs or exfoliants for 30 days. 


Pat dry instead of rubbing to prevent removal of crust. 


After crust sloughs the skin may be pint. Be sure to wear SPF 40 or higher. 

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